It might depend on what type of doctor you go to. I've been to a family doctor, a proctologist and a follow-up team after surgery (never knew their specializations though, there were 3 or so doing the looking).
My family doctor didn't do much except take a look while I was on knees on the exam table.
The proctologist used an anoscope or perhaps a rectal speculum, I couldn't see. It didn't hurt much, but my self-diagnosis of hemorrhoids was way off the mark (my gf cut me open inside with a fingernail) much to the proctologist's resigned looking expression about human sexual habits and my embarrassment.
The follow-up team after a surgery did the whole spiel: ineffective Fleet, me up on an exam table surrounded by 3 (or 4?) observers. A very noticeable anoscope (or speculum? again I couldn't see which) inside me for quite a long time, so each could take a peek. Since the Fleet didn't work, at the end of the exam, after everyone had had a good look, one of the doctors said they had to vacuum 'some waste out' (as he put it). Really nice of him to mention it with everybody in the room.
So, you might expect any one of such experiences. The very very least will be to take a look. He'd be a fool to take your word for having hemorrhoids without checking it out himself. I was so sure of my self-diagnosis at the proctologist and was proven the fool. I doubt it was that doc's first such experience.