I've attempted twice to post this in reply to another topic almost identical, but for reasons I don't understand the site swallows my post and it disappears. So I am attempting to post it this way.
I had fallen on my coccyx (tailbone) & it was sore so I went to see a new specialist Doc - he may have been some kind of Chiropractor but I don't recall.
He had a nice, spacious office, and I liked his friendly receptionist.
For the exam, Doc had me strip down to my underwear and then watched me walk back and forth many times across the fairly large room - in only my briefs. I did the best I could, of course, but was extremely self-conscious.
Then he had me stand completely nude with my hands clasped together in back of my Heah, with elbows out to the side. He circled around me, checking out my posture etc.
I got a full erection like this, which was very embarrassing to me, although the Doc said nothing about it - he only got a wry grin on his face as he continued to circle around me.
The Receptionist knocked on the door and the Doc had him come in with some forms. I was still standing there nude and erect, with my hands in back of my head. The receptionist got a full look - he smiled and chuckled a little at me. I guess I liked all the attention but it was still embarrassing.
This was the only time I can remember being told by a Doc to stand with my hands behind my head during a body examination.