To be honest, I hated being spanked and between the age of, I don't remember but let's say 4 to 10 it terrified me and left me emotionally scared. From the age of 11 onwards I was never spanked by my parents. However, I grew a friendship with a guy called Mr Mercer who taught me advanced mathematics as extra lessons. I was quite advanced in methematics but used to let myself down. When I started lessons with him at about 12 years old he would spank me on my clothed bottom if I got answers wrong whilst I stood next to him at his desk.
Things. Hanged but I never realised when by the age of 13 he would undo my shorts and spank me over my yfronts, tapping my bottom as I stood next to him whilst he marked my answers.
During the latter part of my 13th year he would bend me over his desk and spank me when I got things wrong and I didn't think about it. He was a teacher after all and they had authority.
The major change came at 14 I failed a test and he undid my shorts allowing them to drop to me ankles and bent me kver the desk and pulled my yfronts down allowing them to drop to my ankles and spanked my bare bottom. He then told me to step out of them and I stood naked below the waist whilst he marked the rest if the paper, spanking me each time I got something wrong.
At the time, did didn't know what was happening and often I would be erect and he would ask me, what is this?
I was a shy boy who wouldn't question authority and so it took his punishment until when I was 15 and he asked me to wank for him. I was happy to do so because he said he would tell my father.
What could I do? I always wanted for him as a thank you for teaching me and I would always be naked.
Work that out.