There are many kinds of discipline. Disciplining someone committing a transgression needn't be physical.
Setting standards and being told you failed to uphold them can often be more effective that hitting someone. Physical punishment can just as well cause lasting resentments and/or a willingness to become a 'tough guy', someone who can take it (as often as needs be) without caring about the pain.
I agree with pretty much everything you wrote here @agracier .
The Touf guy definition not entirely.
any dope can learn how to take physical violence and return it. It is low and primitive. the prison system is full of examples. Even in the prison population its self.
It is not about not caring about the pain or being able to take it over and over. That sounds like the Rock Head in a Freak Show or some dorkey Super hero all muscles going GRRR I am so tough.
Being hard or tough is doing what one considers right not popular or easy and being able to live with the consequences for the rest of their life.
I make a lot of hard decisions. Some of them impact people in a bad way. I don't like doing it but I do and live with it.
I can take a beating and fight back. That does not make me tough.
Having someone spit at me in my uniform or Call me a fucking Nazi because of my accent and just walk away or let others have their say and listen to their opinions and perceptions when they are different and accepting them as valid without trying to push mine over top like a steam roller.
Walking into a bad situation and owning it,
Taking bad news and accepting things as they are as bad as they may be and moving forward and adapting without winning or hitting the bottle in a self absorbed pity party.
Admitting your wrong and apologizing, Being honest, Not trying to place blame just fixing the problem.
Recognizing you need help and not being too proud to accept it when offered or ask for it when needed .
Self-respect, self-control, self-discipline, self-confidence.
Combine those ingredients and you have a very rare thing called integrity.
It can not be beaten into someone or taught it has to be found and forged by the owner.
The thing is to forge integrity it has to be seen. An example is needed to start the fire in the forge. Over the years it is hammered out.
This is something one learns by watching others.
Teaching someone to use brute force to bend others will isn't the best example to set. If you want to beat your kid we might have well of handed things
over to the Axis in WW2 and hell not even bothered with WW1 Stuff anyone that does not conform into a re-education camp and beat the crap out of them or starve them till theys learn to do things us ways and love the Jesus. Touf guys can run it.
Setting a good example through intellect is not easy. It does give the best results.
Youth today do not lack discipline.
They lack leadership. That is the fault of the previous generation.
Take the blame when it is yous.Being whoped on the arse did not do you a dam bit of good.
Some Rock Head that can be hit with a 2X6 over the head is not tough. Their an Idiot for not moving out of the way. Even letting it happen in the first place is a stupid choice to make. It sure is not being a tough guy.