No wishful thinking on my part @sirwilliam55
I'd only ever had been "given" a couple of Enemas by one of my aunt's. The one I refer too was certainly no Enema Fairy ... that woman apart from her tedious p/time day job, moonlighted at an aged care home (NA or Nursing Asst) where Enemas were once a common practice with the elderly / infirmed & when she brewed the soapy concotion you could've whitewashed the side of your house with it .... unbeknownst to me at the time
I've written about this once before this but will recount
One evening as my mother was otherwise engaged had asked her younger sister to do the dastardly deed ... I was to be the "patient" ... er ...victim
It was a Sunday evening & i'd hardly touched my food ... I'd been out all afternoon with a young friend from up the street & admittedly we'd both over indulged in a variety of sweets from the local Seaside shop /General store, almost directly in line with my aunts home, on the next street over ... dangerously close for a young bloke who liked the goodies on display
Anyhow i was feeling a bit off colour (as one might imagine) ... poked around at the dinner in front of me ... which was noticed ... I probably looked green around the gills & as my mother was busy herself had asked (in a lowered tone) for her sister to do the business ...
I hadn't the feigntest clue what was about to unravel !!
Well sure it was a first ... but I had no idea what was coming ... and going ... Dear Aunt (she was actually) had absconded to the bathroom & prepared a very warm soapy enema, then re- appeared holding a White enamel Douche Can, long brownish red rubber hose & black tapered rectal nozzle, almost identical to the one we had at home ... geez i could even smell the Cans milky contents from 10 paces away ...
From there there was no escape ... Dear Aunt was like my mother in some ways, a no nonsense individual that when she spoke you listened and I was told matter of factly that she would be administering the Enema ... I resigned myself to my fate & readied myself
I knew what was coming ... or thought I did ... Aunt put a dab of Vaseline on my bum ...a swiped along the nozzle with the back of her finger, wiping off any excess from a few folded sheets of dunny paper sitting on the chest of drawers beside me, almost at the same time as I had turned to peer at what was going on when Aunty said ... "turn an face the wall for me please & draw your upper leg up" ... as she motioned using her hand with a sweep
Within seconds the nozzle went straight in & the soapy solution rocketed forth ... I nearly spasmed from the intensity of the jetting water ... it wasn't long before the first signs of urgency took place ... then just like that it stopped ... and again the feeling of the water jetting / bubbling forth in spurts ... eased to almost nothing & again spurted rapidly as I realized Aunt had held the Can up higher than when she started .... considerably higher
The job was done and so was I ... I did the best that I could to wait it out as the rumblings came in cycles getting closer together ..."I gotta go" ..."I gotta go" ... sputtered from my lips ... Aunt did her best to reassure me & replied ... "only another minute or so" ... Her minute & my minute were two entirely different concepts of time ... though I had no way of really knowing ... Luckily for me ... maybe both ... that she placed a small folded cloth against my straining bum ... to make matters worse i had a litte stiffy to contend with too .... Aunty E had already tended bath time ... but a stiffy ... It stuck out quite prominently with nowhere to hide ... that & i really had to go ...
I doubt i made it past 5 minutes ... no way was 10 remotely possible ... not only was this a dilemma but I also had to navigate getting through the back door ... The dunny (or outhouse) was outside the back door, down three steps and a quick hop across to the dunny door ...& I can assure you it was a bloody quick hop ... barely seated down & the first rumblings turned tumblings
That was the way it went ... literally
Later I did mention it to my mother in a roundabout sort of way that the Enema from my Aunt just about took my insides with it .... She was pretty heavy handed with the soap mixture ... I nearly didnt make it past the back door as I had to stop momentarily and squeeze my bum cheeks together and bare down hard to prevent an accident from happening