I never really thought about the specific volume of cum I produce. I recently crossed over into age group B, but have not noticed any significant changes over the years. Like others, I notice it drops dramatically for my second (or occasionally third orgasm) of the day, but year over year I appear to be holding fairly level.
I recently went a week without an orgasm. Normally I would be masterbating multiple times a week, but sometimes life gets hectic. I decided to edge myself for half an hour this morning and then measure it. All for the advancement of science, of course.
I was able cum into a small glass, and then transfer it to a graduated medicine doser. It was 9.5 ml. That number surprised me since I’ve been reading the other posts on this thread. The amount in the glass seemed typical for me given the circumstances, but I’ve just never seen it in a measurable setting. I’m pretty certain that would be my max volume.
I don’t do anything intentionally to affect my volume. I have a rather average diet and lifestyle. It’s possible I masterbate more often than average. At maximum I could probably log 10 orgasms in a week, but with an occasional zero week like I mentioned, I would put my average around 5 times a week throughout my life. I credit most of that to just being horny and having sex on the brain much of the time. A while ago I read a news story that frequent orgasms may reduce chances of prostate ailments. Then a while later I read that orgasm frequency may have no significant benefit. I decided not to change my habits. As long as it’s not bad for me, I’d rather err on the side or more orgasms. Maybe frequent use keeps the organs limber? I really don’t know. Measuring and posting about it does make me feel like a bit of a freak.
@Secret_sub I hope this data helps your scientific research.