Most difficult enema I've ever taken!!
I'll never do that again!!
Drank a whole bottle of Poweade, and then washed the bottle out until there was no smell of Powerade left.
Let it dry a couple of hours.
Poured in 2 6-oz bottles of glycerin.
Followed that with 1 4-oz bottle of Fleet enema.
Added 2-oz of tap water
Shook it well
Let it set until morning so I could take it on an empty stomach..
In the morning, without eating, I let it set in hot water for 30 minutes, so it was warm, which by then was what the water had become.
I poured it into an open-top bag, peed, drank all the water I could, got into Simms position, inserted the nozzle, made sure I was fully relaxed, Deep Breath, and open the valve.
It ran in so fast it was surprising.
Surprising in a lot of other ways as well.
It felt like a much bigger enema!!!
I could barely hold it 10 minutes. I used deep breathing, bite rag twist rag, just holding on, nothing worked all that well After 11 minutes I had to actually stuff the twist rag, really just a worn-out wash cloth, into my butt crack just to make it the 20 or so steps to the toilet!!
Came out all at once. No thought of a second round
Glad my stomach WAS empty or it would have been coming out both ends at once.
In the couple of minutes it took for it to come out, it made me so nauseous I didn't want to do anything but lay flat on my back for about 90 minutes!!
After that my tummy felt like it does after a really rough system cleanout!!!