Whether a parent chooses to use corporal punishment or not is really up to the parent - not for me or anyone else to dictate to anyone. As long as it isn't abusive or harmful, which is a very elusive bar to set.
"The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has taken a firm stance against any type of corporal punishment. In 2018, their revised policy on corporal punishment, Effective Discipline to Raise Healthy Children, encourages parents and caregivers to use healthy forms of discipline when correcting their children and to refrain from using corporal punishment.1 Here is an excerpt from their policy.
"The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends healthy forms of discipline, such as positive reinforcement of appropriate behaviors, limit setting, redirecting, and setting future expectations. The AAP recommends that parents do not use spanking, hitting, slapping, threatening, insulting, humiliating, or shaming."
Overall, the AAP recommends that parents, schools, and caregivers refrain from using any type of physical punishment with children including spanking and paddling in schools. They also indicate that corporal punishment is ineffective over the long-term and leads to negative outcomes."