Nowadays, if you do some research on the internet, you can find many-many article about rectal temperature taking but all of them says it is used only on kids under 3 or 5 years. Also, the 5 years old limit seems a bit extreme, they say. I saw all the other posts here, in this forum where a lot of people claimed that his/her temperature still was taken at high school age by mother/doctor rectally. But as I said, nowadays rectal temperature taking on kids count as taboo, they suggest axillary/oral as soon as possible.
1.Anyone knows, when the recommended age was changed?
2. But in the past, what were the standard? How this method was explained to mothers by doctors?
3. Finally, anyone has some old medical book, or memories about old medical book at home with rectal temperature taking guide, where was explained it has to used later as teen as well, not just infants?
Thanks everyone in advance!