This topic is based on a controversial idea: "Did mom know the psychological impact of giving you enemas?" It assumes 1) childhood enemas have a psychological impact leading to Klismaphilia and 2) moms either realize it or don't. I think these assumptions complicate our quest for the truth.
I don't know if enemas made me a Klismo or not. I only remember a handful of times when I was led into the bathroom for an enema. I didn't like them; they were uncomfortable and embarrassing. I never got any after reaching puberty. Maybe my mom wanted to avoid any chance of my enemas becoming associated with sexuality. Either that or she found out I was borrowing her douche bulb at bath time and figured I was taking care of my elimination problems myself.
I believe that my fetish stems from anal eroticism. I remember that when I was 5 years old, my mom used a rectal thermometer on me. I borrowed that, too, when I was supposed to be napping. I often stuck things in my butt during nap time. I was interested in all things anal from a very young age before I knew what sex was. For me it was all about pleasurable sensations.
One time, at age 6, I was playing in the chicken coop with my younger sister (age 4) and I talked her into laying a large flat rock on my abdomen. It felt good, like when I had to "go". I found that sensation pleasurable. Weird, huh?
No, I don't believe my mom was deliberately setting me up to be a Klismo. Why couldn't the cause have been something as simple as being triggered by the enjoyment derived from expelling whether naturally or following an enema?
My Klismaphilia might have been affected by my potty training. I searched the Net and found: "Freud believed that the primary focus of the libido was on controlling bladder and bowel movements."
I also found: "An anal personality, according to classic Freudian psychoanalysis, has traits that arose in the anal phase of psychosexual development in which defecation constituted the primary source of pleasure and retention of faeces is viewed as a manifestation of defiance to a parent figure."
Anal phase? Rebellion? I don't know how much credence people put in Freud anymore, but his theories gained a lot of attention.
I think there's more than one reason how I might have developed my fetish, so I'm going to let my mom off the hook.