So my family and I were meeting up with our neighbors and some friends at our pool, my I put my bathing suit on and started to head over there... When I got there my aunt said in front of everyone and loud "and why don't you have a diaper on missy" I said that I didn't know if I was suppose to wear one in the water, and at that second I pee'd all over myself, i started crying and my aunt took me into the bathroom she said calm down, and cleaned me up... I'm 23 and am urinarly incontinent. I was embarrassed....
Next we go back out and our neighbor says to my aunt, read the sign all babies MUST have swim diapers on...........
Next thing you know, my aunt is diapering me, I was fine with it, until my cousin pushed me in the pool, my diaper was already wet from me and then soaked..... when I got out of the pool it looked like a head was trying to come out of my bathing suit, I did enjoy it............. But my neigbor drives me crazy, she served me my drink in a sippy cup, I wanted a beer and she said no, I 'm like wtf? My aunt wants me to just smile and deal with it but, she' s ticking me off, I am a dl but it started due to problems with my kidneys........................
Anyway, had to get that off my chest..............