This is going to stray off topic a little bit - but I need to say something here. @CJ1999 - although @SwitchabelSusie absolutely does not need me to say anything, I do have to say that I admire her for being so open with her daughters when they were growing, and now they have a healthy view of sex, and a good relationship between mother and daughters. That I think - is what it is supposed to be all about, keeping the lines of communication open between a mother and her children on EVERYTHING and be there to answer their questions, to be THEIR source of guilt free information.
Maybe - just maybe, if more mothers and daughters were as open about life, which does include sex, there would be a lot less guilt in this world, and fewer psychiatrists, and fewer politicians trying to control a woman's body. Trying on a catsuit -
Trying on an article of clothing is not their sex life. Besides, my daughters tell me just about everything.
When I read that - I was thinking, there's a daughter who has someone reliable to turn to about erotic things and sex. And a mother who will tell her - 'don't use someone else's toys, get your own! Here - here's my credit card, go to this place and get your own!' π
@CJ1999 I really do share your caution - about underage sex being discussed here, and there are some pictures here that show some pretty young men, probably boys who just barely turned 18, that make me cringe. But -
@SwitchableSusie , please don't answer this. Not only is it disgusting from a potentially underage point of view, but discussing your CHILDS sex life?? Holy fuck, can you get any more wrong than that?!?! I have a daughter and no matter what I know or don't know about her sex life it would never be discussed with anyone, anywhere, ever!
What if your daughter - came to Zity.Biz and talked about it with the rest of us, provided she was an adult?
I think you may be like my husband when it comes to our daughter- he takes off like a shot when she and I have our 'girl' talks. π And lately @CJ1999 - she and I have been having 'talks' about enemas, fellatio, anal sex, and the list of things she is interested in just keeps growing. I wish like hell - that we'd had this kind of relationship a long time ago where we could talk about anything, and nothing was off limits. Better late than never - but still, there was a lot we missed out on, and 'girl talk' about sex is only a small part of that.
And for your information - my daughter is in her 30's with kids of her own, and I hope she takes it on herself to make sure that they can come to her about questions on anything, inculding sex. @CJ1999 you are so right about being careful where to discuss things - and I can't, I won't, fault you for that. How could I? But I sure will not ever - fault a mother for teaching her daughters how to have safe sex, and to answer questions about anything they are curious about.