It not only happened in Church, it also happened in Temple. Friday night or Saturday morning there were spankings going on. One Saturday morning I acted up so Mom got up and pulled me up and we walked to the back of the temple and into the lobby and downstairs to the Ladies Room. As we entered we heard a girl crying as her mother spanked her bare bottom .
@DST I rarely do this, if ever but this time I feel morally compelled! That is unless the "Temple" you speak of is not a Synagogue, but you do reference Friday evening and Saturday, Erev Shabbat and Shabbat. As a Jewess, and modern orthodox at that, I take deference to your "story". You claim to be 70+ years old (B"H to 120) so that would have made you about 10ish at the time and at least 60 years ago. At that time the conservative movement was first taking hold, and the reform movement was just getting its act together, although both had been around since the 1800s. So, what's my beef?
The Laws of the Sabbath (halacha shabbat) strictly prohibit just about everything mentioned in your "story". Thus, your Mom could not have carried her purse into synagogue (Temple), much less her hairbrush, because carrying items from one place to another is prohibited. The use of the brush, even for grooming purposes would be prohibited, technically. Also, so is any form of punishment including anything from spanking to the death sentence prohibited on Shabbat, as well as any form of violence. Any form of offensive physical aggression is also prohibited. (Sorry, @agracier going have to restrict your stonings to between Saturday sundown to Friday sundown!)
Even if it were in a conservative or reform congregation such BLATANT disrepect for the Sabbath Laws would not be tolderated by any Rabbi or any official of the congregation.
DST, if you want to "blow smoke" (BS) that's your choice, but, please, keep peoples' Belief Systems (BS) out of your BS!
Play safe!