Total: 893

Rectal temp(s) taken "Over the lap"

Growing up, my temperature was taken rectally w…
103 Replies

Why were rectal temperatures taken until 13?

Has anyone ever read an older medical journal o…

Barefoot with thermometer sticking out from your butt

Back in the days in your childhood, how often w…

Odd rectal temperature taking from nowhere by your mom

Did you get your temp taken by suprise, out of …

Best place to buy rectal thermometers

Where is a good place to purchase thermometers?…

Who would you rather have take your rectal temperature; male of female?

Well since I have had it taken by both either i…

How many were put over your parents lap for rectal temperatures

I was almost always laid over my mom or dad’s l…

Rt videos on xtube

About 10-15 years ago I remember seeing a coupl…

Have you had a rectal temperature because of a broken oral thermometer?

Have you taken a rectal temperature or had your…

Why do people refer to rectal temperature as the “baby way”

Why do people refer to rectal temperature as th…

The presentation that I never gave

Back in my youth, I was incredibly curious abou…
15 Replies

Spanking and Rectal temperature

As stated earlier, a good number of my spanking…

Veterinary rectal thermometer

Has anyone here ever used a veterinary rectal t…

What is your favorite position to receive or give a rectal temperature

I usually take my own and I lay on my right sid…

Male Rectal temp Videos

Does anybody know where you can find more male …

Rectal Temp at Colonic Therapeutic

I've had a number of members scoff at my rectal…

Orgasm or/and ejaculation during rectal temperature taking

Have you ever had an orgasm or/and ejaculated w…

Earliest knowledge of RT fetish

Being a child of the 50's, RT was the standard …

Picking up hitchhikers

As I’ve stated in the past my prime RT fetish w…

Rectal thermometer probe cover

Who here uses probe covers with their rectal th…

Request from the temperature taker

Has it ever happened to you that someone who to…

Any aspects of RTs you don’t care for or like?

As a kid at times it could be embarrassing. But…

Any females who enjoy RT as an adult?

Are there any females who enjoy having their te…

Temperature taken followed by suppository

How many of you had your temperature taken and …

Turning the inserted thermometer

When your temperature was taken rectally as a c…

Pro do me spankings and RT

I've visited a few professional dommes in my da…

Spanking and RT

Although some members don't associate RT with s…

Rectal temperature taken as punishment

Has anyone had their temperature taken rectally…


I'd actually forgotten about this site until I …

How was your nurse dressed when your RT was taken?

Two occasions come to mind where the woman , a …

RT it or not?

Per earlier discussion, I've had, over the year…

Rectal temp stories by Reva

Back when the Voy forum was up and running, som…

Rectal Temperature Monitorjng

My sub loves to be “managed” for the lack of a …

Having your temperature taken or take someone else's temperat

Do you prefer to have your (rectal) temperature…

Ideas for self examination

I was wondering if anyone has some ideas for se…

Breaking a Thermometer as a Kid

Did anyone ever break a rectal thermometer as a…

Rocking the thermometer

I’ve been using the new AI program chat gpt an…

Imaginary doctor/nurse?

I play alone, and when I do, I like to imagine …

Female RT vintage (1900s-1930s) images

There are many images both still and movie/ vi…

Thermometer is still used at home today

I Mitchell and I'm in my twenties early twentie…

Rectal temps when you were a kid

When you were a kid, did your parents take ever…

RT, do you prefer totally naked or pants pulled down?

During a temperature taking, do you prefer to b…

RTs in books but omitted when made into a movie

“Will there really be a morning?” This is the t…

Accuracy of rectal temps

Would you say rectal temps are more accurate th…

Areas/ countries where RTs are much more used/accepted.

When my massage therapist recently ( I wrote o…

Favorite Fictional Temp Stories?

I have many, but here's one to get things start…

Vitals taken before a massage.

Got a 1 1/2hr lymphatic massage about 3 hours a…

A nice collection of dominant women taking rectal temps

From spankingtube: https://www.spankingtube…

Rectal temperature partners

Have you had any rectal temperature partners ? …

Favorite Positions for Temperature-Taking for diaper wearers

What’s your favourite position to take a rectal…

Last time by mom at home

Do you remember when was the last time when you…

Is the color of your rectal glass thermometer important?

YELLOW or CLEAR glass thermometers? Is the colo…