I wouldn't say that I had an experience in which I was officially switched from rectal to oral and then switched back. It was more that, when I turned seven or eight, my mom would often start with an oral measurement. I didn't like it much, as I have a strong gag reflex and found it hard to breathe at times--but I also had very mixed feelings about the rectal thermometer. I know I was becoming intrigued by it--I have a memory of being at my pediatrician for a yearly check-up at around eight, finding literature about temperature-taking, and feeling strangely absorbed by the description of taking a temperature rectally. Unconsciously, I think I was starting to find the experience of being together with my mother, just the two of us, in my bedroom or hers, baring myself (or being bared) and having her cup my bottom with her hand for the five minutes or so that the thermometer was inside me, nestled between her fingers, pleasurable. But I also viewed the fact my temperature was still taken rectally at times as a stigma, as something that proved that I wasn't as grown up as I wanted to be. The idea that anyone outside the family would find out was anathema. Just in general at this point, I was developing a strong association between having to bare your bottom, whether to get your temperature taken or to get a shot at the doctor's (which happened to me when I was eight) or to get a spanking, and being infantilized. I remember specifically begging my mother when I got that penicillin shot not to tell anybody that it had been in my bottom (the word we used in my house was "tushie"). So, I had a lot of ambivalence. But, to get back to the point of this thread, up until I was 9, almost 10, my mother would take my temperature rectally if she wasn't satisfied with the oral reading. This happened to me for the last time when I was in fourth grade, and woke up feeling sick one morning. My mother took my temperature orally at the kitchen table, frowned when it came back close to normal, and then said, "D-, I don't know about this reading, but I really think we should check with the other thermometer." There were times I would protest when she said this, but I don't recall complaining on this occasion. I just went up to my bedroom and waited for my mom to see my sister off to school and come upstairs. That was the last time she took my temperature rectally. There was never an announcement to the effect of, it's over, you've now graduated to the oral thermometer, and I remember still wondering for a few years thereafter, whenever she would take my temperature, if she would shake her head as she sometimes used to at the reading and ask to take it the other way. One time, I remember, I was 12, and lying on my parents' bed, which had an electric blanket. My mother took my temperature, and started to frown and shake her head like she used to, and said, "D-, you're not going to like this, but--", and at that moment, I think a shiver went through my body, as I thought, oh my God, is she really going to tell me she wants to take it in my tush? Not at all--she just wanted to take my oral temperature again with me not sitting on the heated blanket, because she thought it was affecting the reading. I think that's when I realized once and for all that my rectal temp days were over.