I want to warn everyone (especially new adventurers) about something that should be more than known, but it is worth emphasizing about it.
I talk about the importance of preparation time, playing NICELY and use of a lot (really A LOT) of lub when performing the anal masturbation.
I say this because few months ago a bump just appeared in my anus. I am a very healthy person and I'm not a compulsive anal player (every 2 or 3 months on average), and yet it appeared to me.
Searching about it in the web I realized that it was hemorrhoids. I am sure that it appeared to me due to playing without enough anal previous preparation and due to use insufficient lub (I never paid attention to that important part of anal play... and I now regret).
I spent three months without playing with my butt. The bump seemed to have gone completely; but when I masturbate my hole again, after some minutes I felt pain and the grain reappeared as the first time. Then I let it go two new months until now. The bump has completely disappeared again (of which I am very grateful), but I am too very clear that when I masturbate muy bum again I will do it with extreme care.
I hope my experience will serve to you to not commit my mistake. If you're neglecting your anal play, stop it right now. Never do it grotesquely (although you note that your body does not required it to you ) because anytime the consequences may appear. And then it will be too late.
Nobody warned to me about it (and I stupidly ignored the little I read in internet), but I warn you so that you not perform my mistake.