Well, for the record I got to keep my foreskin for a blessed three weeks….my folks told me I was so ill with so much other stuff that they held off.
But so far as I know all the males in my immediate family are circumcised: the whopper my father has, my bro-in-law (we took gym together) and my great-nephews, ages 5 and 1, are all cut.
Where I was raised, in small-town Colorado, virtually all us white kids were circumcised. The Hispanic kids (the only minority group I grew up with) were uncut. I got my first peek at one when I was nine. I was baffled by this appendage. But the guys would hide their pricks and I didn’t get the real lowdown till that summer, when some farm laborers who worked with us every summer came to stay at the vacant house down the road. Two of the boys, my age bracket, would sneak off with me together in the old outhouse and did the old I’ll-show-you-mine-if-you’ll-show-me-yours routine, and we frequently peed together in the outhouse and out in the field by ourselves. Still mystified, I pulled back the foreskin on one kid and thought, “Yeah, just like the one I’ve got, purple and with a hole in it.” I didn’t know about that white stuff that accumulated on his head…only in my twenties did I read a book all about maleness and learned it was smegma.
When I moved out of state to a major metropolitan city, I got to learn more diversity—white guys who were uncut (and their small children, evidence of our changing times). I took up nudism for a short time in the early 90s, with more evidence in sight.
Being a cartoonist my whole life, I was 27 when I became brave enough to draw nudes, and I've tried to depict my milieu in my work. I very often have wondered how my penis would've looked intact. Sometimes, after its being scrunched up in my briefs for so many hours, I do occasionally get a look at my shaft skin showing the outline of the bottom of my head.
I have never ceased to be fascinated by the many differences, big or small, intact and cut together, brothers all.
But I’m proud of my penis, and wouldn’t have it any other way!