Corrinne said that virginity is outdated.
Not all of us believe that virginity is outdated. I, my wife, and many of our friends are happy to have saved ourselves for our monogamous marriages. We wouldn't like for our member to have their fetishes or preferences ridiculed or implied to be illegitimate. there is no conflict between some fetishes, and some religions.
How about we try to not denigrate each other, even unintentionally by making blanket (im)moral judgements? I used the term above, because, I would personally find it to be immoral for folks to condemn my homosexual friends, one of whom is like a brother to me. we would do anything for each other. We have folks that many others would condemn in the curches that I do and have attend(ed).
Let's try to bre thoughtful of others. Anyone on this site would be considered wierd by somebody out there, but hee we are, in an enviroonment that we expecte to be accepting of what we are or do, as long as it is not dangerous or illegal.
In the spirit of acceptance of diverse opinions, please don't castigate me for expressing views that may be diverse from other on this idea of acceptance, instead of blanket statements on outdated, unacceptable, immoral or any other sentiment that has no place here. And arguing against diversity is not itself an exercise in diversity.
thank you.