Stories, of large volume enemas ( more than 2 to 2/1/2-quarts), fall into the category of, high-level fiction, to me 😢 Lot of people, drive high-end, foreign/domestic sports cars, as status symbols, and make-up for some things, lacking in their own, self-image. Here, I look at stories of high-volume enemas, to be quite parallel, there!! 😢 There is an old saying, " Foreign sports cars, and politicians, have this in common; They make loud noises, cost a lot of money, and never seem to be able to pass, anything!!" After-all, we take enemas for, relief, and pleasure, so why does/should large volumes, even be an issue?? 😉 I, wonder?? Is there a Guinness Book, of world records, that has a listing, of: "World's largest, high-volume enema"? 😄 Mike.