This is a topic I am all to familiar with unfortunately. I was on the "no fly" list for 3 years all because of what I was carrying in my checked bag. When I was questioned about it I made a joke and apparently the TSA folks didn't appreciate it, lol.
I was seated on the plane when 2 of the TSA blue boys came and got me out of my seat. They took me off the plane and onto the walk way thing you know the ramp thing just outside of the plane. They asked me why I was carrying so much medical supplies in my bag. And I have to admit, I was loaded down pretty good. I was on my way up to Michigan to play with a few friends of mine and I promised to bring them the good real medical supplies, lol.
Well not wanting to tell them the truth, I told them that I am a real nurse and a nurse educator so I travel teaching others about the newest medical products and how to use them. Don't even ask me where I came up with that line of BS but they believed it. Well I couldn't just let it go so in a laughing tone I said to the blue boys," what do you think I'm going to do with a suitcase full of catheters? Threaten the pilot with something like, "take me where I want to go or I will cath you!" And I said that as I was acting like I was holding up a catheter and shaking it. Yeah well they didn't laugh at my joke.
At that time I was flying out about every 4-6 weeks up to see Doc and what not so I for the next 3 years was subject to anything and everything from the blue boys. And no, that didn't include a cavity search either, lol. Oh the stories I could tell you about those 3 years.
So take my advice, the TSA boys do NOT have a sense of humor. Do not try to joke with them. Once my husband and I were traveling up to Michigan for something with his work and even though I was off of that list I was still the one that was randomly picked to be searched. So they took me through to the back tables which are only about 20 feet from the lines and the belts and the scanners and the guy tells me he is going to check the contents of my carry on. Now in my honest opinion even though I am off of the "list" I actually still think they are tracking me because I get searched a lot still. Anyway, you know my husband and I do not bump uglies ever so I had my vibe with me. Both of us only had carry-on's because we were only going up for an extended weekend so we didn't need a whole lot. Anyway so we get back to the table and he says he is going to take out all of the contents and search it. Well, I am sure my face turned a bit red. I asked him if he had to take everything out, right there in front of everyone? He then got a bit defensive and asked me what I was hiding. I told him nothing but I did have some private things in there that I didn't really want everyone to see. He then called another TSA person over that happened to be a chick. I whispered to her what was in there and where it was. She just smiled and nodded. She was the one that was going through stuff and he was standing there watching. When it came time to check the place I told her my goodie was located, she actually put once hand on the outside of my bag and one on the inside of my bag and felt for my little friend through the fabric of the bag. She felt what she needed to feel, smiled at me and said we were free to go. I thanked her with one of those, "oh my god you are so nice" types of thank you's. She smiled, sort of winked, and told us to have a safe flight.
She didn't have to do that. He also didn't have to call someone over either. It is within his rights to completely dump my bag anyplace he wants to no matter who's standing around. You know I'm not really shy about that sort of stuff. My thoughts are that most of us have toys that we play with. It's not like it was some sort of freaky deaky toy or something, it was just a normal bullet type single head, 8 different speed, blue vibrator with a nubby sheath. No big deal really, but even still, for some reason I just didn't feel like sharing my toys that day.
So please take my advice, don't play with the TSA, see that even rimes. You can pretty much take whatever as long as it's in your checked bags.