PecheMama and Brooklyn, Let me try to address some of your issues here.
As I have mentioned before 90 percent of the time the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis just from your history. And if I had to put a number on it I would say probably another 5 percent on top of the already 90 percent the doctor can make the accurate diagnosis from just looking and listening to you. So 95 percent of the time the doctor can make the right diagnosis before he even touches you at all. Then when the doctor examines you he really is just confirming what he already knew.
Okay so you come into the office for a regular healthy physical. Your history says that you are not a smoker and you have no history for example of asthma. And currently you are not having any complaints of respiratory issues. The doctor can tell just by looking at you pretty much 100 percent of the time if you are having respiratory issues. If your color is good, you are talking without being out of breath, lips are pink, nail beds are pink, he hears no wheezing and you are sitting up erect and are not guarding then he can pretty much know 100 percent that you are not having any respiratory issues at the moment. When a patient is having respiratory issues we are taught to listen to all 5 lung fields, as nurses anyway, to help form our assessment. If you are healthy and all of the above is normal then the doctor doesn't really even need to listen to your lungs at all really. He does so because of 3 reasons, 1) because he should probably. But that's probably the least reason he does so. 2) Because if he doesn't patients who are laymen like yourself complain and bitch that they are not being examined properly. Nor offense. And 3) Because every time he examines a body system the amount he gets paid for that exam goes way up. Now that may not be what you want to hear, but it's the truth, plain and simple.
Now onto your heart. Again for most of the reasons I mentioned above your doctor can pretty much determine a lot about how your heart if functioning just by looking at you and from your history. Unless you are having cardiac issues there really isn't any reason to listen to your heart in more than one place. Forgive me because I can't remember what that place is called, it has a name though. Maybe Liquid or Susie can fill this detail in. But if YOU look down on your chest the area just to the left upper edge of your heart basically, or to the right of your sternum is the spot I am talking about. You can listen and hear all 4 valves on that one spot. That's really all you need to listen to if you don't have any cardiac symptoms or history of such.
Now as far as listening to your heart over your clothes well that's not really the doctors choice for the most part. People have gotten so touchy about their bodies. People don't want to disrobe anymore for the doctor. A lot of doctors have no choice but to listen over clothes because they are afraid someone might call them a pervert. This is exactly one of the reason electric scopes are so popular. You can hear a heart clear as a bell through multiple layers if you have to. But speaking on the doctors side, they don't want to listen to your heart over your clothes, they weren't taught that way but society often dictates what is and what isn't acceptable.
So there you have it, the plain naked truth.