Hello everyone! this is my first post here. i have been lurking for years but had to make an account and post when i saw y'all were discussing this. i wanted to acknowledge that i have used this toy in a commercial capacity as i am a femdom pornographer & i have made three clips so far using this toy! that said, i'm not here to push sales on anyone haha! this is a super niche fetish and i realize not for everyone...
so here's my basic review of this (keep in mind i'm a top so i can't describe sensations correctly etc.) it's difficult to use and messy, but irresistibly fun in a "silly, messy" kinda way. the eggs POP out when you squeeze the base of the toy (if you have it in a harness, like, right above where the ring for the harness is) and they slurp and slide through the toy which is this very super soft silicone. it's really truly bizarre. OH, also if you squeeze the top of it it makes a bizarre hollow thlurping noise which is very funny.
i have used it to deposit gelatin eggs, hard boiled chicken eggs peeled and cooled (i... made a video called "anal egg salad" from that, because they crumbled everywhere and i am just really disgusting but anyways it was still a lot of fun lmao) anally, and um i also used it with a water bottle loaded into the base filled with diet cola (diet to prevent yeast infections!) to douche a submissive's vagina... that made her squeal and giggle a lot...
hmm, not sure what else to say! i clean it by using a kitchen sprayer inside it first and then boiling or bleaching. it's held up really well. i've had it about a year now. it's a great novelty item for sure, everyone is always interested in it.
i have been begging the company to make a firm silicone "core" to put in the middle so it can be used for non-egg laying play... but meanwhile i have been using a silicone nozzle (from siliconenozzles dot com) to stuff in the middle to use for that type of play...
i really want to figure out a way to make gelatin eggs that are filled with cum lube in the middle so they burst and melt inside the bottom after a while.. not quite sure how to do that?
in lines with this thread, i wonder if i could make my own suppositories in this way tho, if i figure out a way, instead of with cum lube with glycerin?!
i'm interested to hear any ideas/questions...