Since it is the winter vacation, and our daughters have been staying with friends they know from sleep away camp this last week, my husband and I have done a lot of enema activities in addition to our usually varied repertoire.
One of the enema variations I decided to try on both my husband and myself is an enema composed of milk, plain organic yogurt and molasses. The reason for the addition of the yogurt to the time tested M&M enema is that milk is generally pasteurized, and has few bacteria. The gas and feeling of fullness and pressure comes from the presence of bacteria already in the colon. In this solution, I use equal amounts of milk, yogurt and molasses to make two quarts of solution. The milk also helps thin out the yogurt so it flows through the tubing. Because of the increased viscosity of this solution, the bag needs to be held a little higher than usual to keep the solution flowing.
I place equal amounts of milk, yogurt and molasses in a pot and slowly heat it over the stove. Bring it to 100 degrees--not more, because you will kill the lactobacillus bacteria in the yogurt. Let it stand at 100 degrees for about 20 minutes to an hour before you take the enema. That will give the lactobacillus time to get "activated" and growing. When you are ready, lay on your back and take the enema. I like to use a double balloon rectal catheter to retain the solution since I love the sensation of the increasing pressure. After about 15-30 minutes, or whatever your tolerance is, you can expel the solution.
One of the things I like about this is that you get a lot of return trips to the toilet because the yogurt seems to stimulate a lot of secretions, and after my husband made a few trips to the bathroom, the expulsions become clear. I decided to re-insert my double balloon rectal catheter after my main expulsion and enjoy the return of the pressure from the secretions and gas. The sensations of being masturbated by my husband as the pressure built up, which caused some cramping, were incredibly intense, and I highly recommend this as a recreational enema. The only real drawback with this solution is the clean-up afterward is a bit messier.
DON'T use molasses if you have diabetes. Trust me, the two quart mixture of 1 qt yogurt and 1 qt milk alone will do a number on you. HOLD it for 10-30 minutes.