I think this whole concept of feeling the need to "come out" is really about the desire to discover like minded people with whom you can relate, to open a world where you can share stories & experiences, & perhaps indulge in experiences with.
The inability, for whatever reason, for us to tell people about our fetishes inhibits us from what we can experience, inhibits a little bit of who we are, & in doing so, prevents us from fulfilling our need to share & explore.
From my experiences of keeping my longtime jockstrap fetish a secret until i got involved with this website several months ago, a world opened up for me when i did finally open up. i discovered there were like minded people whom i never thought existed. And by opening up, i was able to explore & learn a lot about myself & this fetish, therefore to be able to grow with it in further exploration. I became interested in others sharing their own stories, and it was interesting to see the common ground.
Like others have mentioned, it's highly risky for negative consequences to come out about fetishes to people you know. Here on this website, everyone is into their own thing, so they tend not to judge. This is not true for general public. General public has a tendency to judge, friends of yours or not. Maybe ESPECIALLY friends or loved ones. I tried feeling someone out about something i wanted to include her in, thinking from what i know about her, she may be cool. I had tread lightly but wound up taking 2 steps back.
It starts with trust, but be careful before making a move with consequences that cannot be reversed.