Modesty, I find the concept amusing.
My pediatrician in the 1960's was a Korean War Military veteran.
He did not have modesty in his vocabulary.
Boy or girl, if you were there for a physical, you got naked. No gowns,. No underwear.
Didn't like it, but never thought about it.
My mom was always in the room and if i had complained she probably would have laughed and told me to just get my underwear off.
At 61, I seldom have take off more than my shirt during a check-up. Oh, yeah, I get bent over the table once a year, but my young internist seems more embarrassed by experience than I am.
I had open heart surgery a few years ago and I was reminded then that in a medical situation, modesty has no place. Spend a week with an open backed gown and 20 year old aides bathing you and you will forget about modesty pretty quickly.