0 by anyone, including myself. Which reminds me, I got a letter informing me of a mammogram appt my dr set up w/o informing me. I have to call and cancel. I had one before Covid hit so no more.
Do not neglect regular screening by mammography.
You say you did one before the Covid-19 so maybe more than 2 years ago.
In France, the health insurance system offers one free of charge every two years from age 40 to age 74.
As for the examination of the chest, I think that is part of the role of the gynecologist who must know how to carry out the examination and the palpation perfectly. If you see your gynecologist every year, your general practitioner should not intervene on this subject. A complete annual examination is sufficient.
Do not neglect your own monitoring, by self-palpation yourself or by your spouse. This should be done right after menstruation as the breasts are then more supple and relaxed.
Before the menopause, if your breasts are very dense, your gynecologist can complete his examination with an ultrasound (for which your general practitioner does not have, a priori, neither the competence nor the equipment)