If you have a child who bed-wets he or she is probably totally constipated. I totally recommend this book: "It's NO Accident: Breakthrough Solutions to Your Child's Wetting, Constipation, UTI's and Other Potty Problems." This book is written by Steve Hodges, MD, Pediatric Urologist and Suzanne Schlosberg. I bought it for Kindle, and it is a remarkable book. The book has 116 5-star reviews. In one ad for this book the Dr. is quoted as saying "It's okay to give your child an enema." If you have a son or daughter who wets that child will likely be among the 87% who are given a bowel x-ray who are stuffed as far as possible. Don't be afraid to give your child, children enemas once a week to keep thing going. The mom's of the 30's, 40's, 50's and part of the 60's new that enemas were good for every conceivable problem. That all stopped in the 1950's to 1960's because doctors cannot make any money on home made enemas. They need to sell Fleet enemas. When I think of all of the problems that have arisen since the enema golden ages: We had wooden cutting boards on which we cut beef, chicken, veggies, deserts, bread and most anything else you can think of. We didn't get sick, nor did we have Celiac disease, peanut allergies, and more and more children's problems that appear everywhere.
In the above book, the author does mention enemas; however, he's more into Metamucil. There's nothing wrong with Metamucil; however one is aggravating the entire digestive system with laxatives as opposed to the colon where the problem lies. If I were to combat a stuffed colon, this is how I'd do it:
1. Buy an enema bag at the local pharmacy or from Walmart.
2. If the family is whole, and neither mom or dad has ever had an enema, follow the instructions that came with the bag and each give the other a plain water enema to learn how it is done. If you take your time and enjoy the process which can cause great sexual appeal, you might even learn to love enemas.
3. If the child is a female, mom will administer two enemas a night for seven days in a row. Best done before bed time. Enemas must be given with love, care and affection. The first enema will be from one to two quarts. One if child is under 10 years, two if 10 or older. If the child can't take the total amount it isn't necessary to repeat the enema. The enema will contain a slightly milky solution of warm water comfortable to your wrist and Ivory bar soap and 1 to 2 t's table salt. The second enema will be 1 or 2 qts of warm water as above with only 1 or 2 t's of table salt.
At the end of the full 7 days, you will give the enemas only every other day. At the end of the second week you'll give the enemas only once a week and continue on.
I bet that you will find the wetting just about all over with. The cause of the wetting is explained in the book. Again, 87% of the patients that are seen with bed wetting have a full colon that needs to be looked after. I prefer enemas because one always knows when they are going to work. Laxatives?????
I forgot to say that if the child is a boy and over 7 years of age, Dad should be giving his son the enemas. Much less embarrassment with dad doing the job.
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A Loving Dad