I'm fairly easy to please, I guess. When there's a good picture of a woman receiving the enema, I can identify with her, whether the administrator is male or female.
When I find the (relatively rare) picture of a man receiving the enema, I can identify with the giver, whether it's a man or a woman.
Either way, I very much prefer that certain things show clearly in the picture. I like to see
--a pink bottom suggesting the recipient has been spanked or paddled, but not to the point of bruises ,
--a face showing some fear, discomfort, distress--or bliss ,
--a clear view of the anus, without so much lube that all I can see is reflection of the flash,
--not a lot of the giver unless s/he is interesting in some way (attractive counts, but it's certainly not limited to that),
Naturally, almost no pictures show everything I most like, but I make do. And how.
Merlot, not fussy