I really think there are already other threads on this same topic. But I don't mind discussing it again. 😃
Over the years, I've had different positions.
1) Standing on the floor, bent over the exam table. This is probably the most common, and it's ok. Not my favorite position, but not one that I hate either.
2) Standing on the pull-out step on the exam table and bent over the table. This is a variation of #1 where you're not standing on the floor but on the step instead. But you're still bending over the table. The result is that your ass is up higher and you bend over further. I really like this one, but have only had it a few times with doctors that I no longer see.
3) Laying on the table on my left side, knees pulled up to chest. I hate this position. I don't feel comfortable at all in it, and it also doesn't do anything for my medfet desires 😃
4) On my knees and elbows on the exam table. My feet are spread apart, my ass is high in the air and obviously the target of what's about to happen, my head is resting down on the exam table. I love this position -- my absolute favorite.
Positions that I've never had but would be more than willing to try include on my back pulling my legs up, and in stirrups.