I love the feeling of nice big, firm bowel movements. In fact, huge ones, which I tend to have naturally anyway. Lately I've begun to experiment with diet and other ways of trying to create such pleasurable enormous BMs.
I read online about the classic "BRAT" diet (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast) for adding bulk to one's BMs, and have tried these foods with mixed results. While I can't say I've gotten very good results from the other three ingredients, rice seems to be the best one so far for me. After eating large quantities of rice, I can pretty consistently have pretty humongous bowel movements that are pretty firm.
When I say I like firm, I mean almost hard (and hard to pass). I haven't quite achieved this yet; you know, the kind of BM that one almost has to strain to get through one's anus.
I have had a couple memorable huge bowel movements in the past, but mainly through just withholding them and not through any conscious diet choices. Once, on a cross-country train trip, I held back moving my bowels for three days, eating normal-sized meals. When I got home, I had one of the most enormous bowel movements I ever had, and it was an extremely pleasurable experience (not to say erotic, even). It was a good 9 inches long and nice and fat (I have a picture to prove it!). I'd like to be able to replicate that experience sometime.
So it seems to me that a combination of eating for bulk, size and firmness, along with withholding the BM, would be the way to do this. After reading some posts here I've even thought about possibly using Imodium to slow down my back-end processing, at least for a day or so. One problem is that after a certain time, the urge to move one's bowels becomes too urgent to stop. One day for me, no problem usually; I can even sometimes do this seemingly with just sheer will power. I can't remember exactly how it was that I was able to go 3 whole days on that train trip, but it wasn't difficult at all.
One thing that I notice is that even if I hold my BM for 2 days, the only part that's really firm is the first couple inches or so, since it's been sitting in my lower colon the longest; the rest of it tends to be softer and mushier. It'd be nice if I could get the whole thing to "cook" in my colon longer; the longer it stays there, the more water gets removed and the firmer the BM will be. (My "train" BM was firm all the way through to the end.)
So I'd be curious to see what others think about this, any tips or techniques to produce killer BMs. (Of course, nothing extreme: I really don't want to endanger my health here!) Any good way of slowing down "transit time" would be appreciated. (Mine turns out to be surprisingly fast, about a day at the most: I tested this by eating some blue food coloring, then seeing how long it took to have a blue (actually a blue-green) bowel movement.) By the way, in case anyone suggests it, I should say that I'm not really a fan of enemas, like so many of you here seem to be. I do use them, but only as part of my masturbation sessions when I use toys (dildoes and butt plugs) so that they'll come out nice and clean. I don't really take much pleasure in that kind of (messy) expulsion, but to each their own ...
I've also done the banana-as-BM thing, using nice big unripe fruit, which is fun, but it's no match for the real thing. I think I'd like to shoot for another 3-day bowel movement, maybe even 4 just once to see what it's like. Not all the time; I work, and this has to be on my days off (don't want to be seem squirming at work, you know).