The first hook is always remembered well, I think, forever. I recall the little brass hook by the toilet in my parent's bathroom very very vividly.
That hook, the old large red rubber enema bag, the red ribbed hose, the hard black nozzle and I were wonderful and great friends in my youth, and the little jar of Vaseline.
I had more fun in that bathroom on the toilet with that enema hook when my parents were away, more than I can remember. And many a time I plugged the toilet up with my many large expulsions. The hook was so high when little I use to have to stand on the toilet lid to get the old large red rubber enema bag onto the little brass hook and I had such a huge stiff hardon. It was a good bag, I think it must have been about 1.5 qts., possibly 2 qts. When young I got a good filling with part of the bag. In high school, I was filling it up twice for one enema. My fear use to be that the hole for the hook at the end of the bag would rip out, because I had the bag filled so full. It was the kind where the hose screwed into the bag, so sometimes I would lay the bag on the vanity and press on the bag hard, so it was not hanging from the hook. I've always liked a good strong enema up my ass, but not dangerous, I never overdo it.
I recall my dismay of having to stop and fill the bag up again under the tub nozzle, bent over, while tightly clenching my asshole so I did not blast out over the bathroom. Ha, I used to pick up the throw rugs, because a few dribbles always shot out. I can see me trying to explain the little brown spots on the bathroom rug. Anything on the linoleum floor cleaned up easily.
The windows in the lower portion of the bathroom by the toilet were frosted and faced a woods. Many times I would have liked to have been exposed to the world standing on the lid with the hose up my ass. Thinking back, it's a good thing they were frosted. I was born horny.