I also finally found a wonderful enemate who I met here on Zity. She is a beautiful, mature and very sexy woman who has given me the most thorough and erotic enemas I have ever had in my 68 years. I bring my own equipment, but she knows exactly how much soap to use in my 4 quart clear silicone bag, and which nozzle to use according to the state of my colon and how horny I am at the time. She gives me the most delicious enemas with my head down and my ass facing up towards her on her special "enema quilt" which she puts directly in front of the bathroom door.
But before we even get to the enemas, she helps to get some of the more solid stuff in my rectum and sigmoid colon out by inserting three glycerin suppositories very deeply into my my ass and holding them in there with her finger until they begin to melt a little bit. This ritual is preceded by her teasing my anus with her gloved finger....so delicious..and it feels so good! After my penis becomes erect and beings to throb, she implants the three suppos, We sit and wait for them to work and talk about literature and music. It usually takes between 30 minutes and an hour for me to feel enough of an urge to go to the toilet and have a very satisfying bowel movement.
Then....she prepares the first 4 quart SSE using warm water and two capfuls of a very gentle baby wash mixed in. Then I hold the bag up very high and she bleeds the hose (I have both a plastic clamp and inline roller flow valve) and I carry the very heavy filled enema bag and hang it on one of the heavy duty hooks she has on the back of the open bathroom door. She usually uses one of my 6 inch long black, thick torpedo nozzles for my first enema. I assume the position with her standing behind my ass, and she begins to lubricate my anus..both inside and out...but with some wonderfully erotic teasing to start. She uses Crisco as the lube which works very, very well. something about that stuff makes me more horny than I already am. Then once she gets the entire nozzle into my anxiously waiting ass, she opens the clamp and we are off to the the races. I can easily hold 4 quarts with little or no cramping, even though she varies the speed of the flow. While she is so lovingly filling my ass with that wonderful warm soapy water, she gets down on her knees behind me, and runs her hand under my abdomen to see how full I am getting. But then comes the most glorious part of her amazing enemas. She gently strokes my cock and balls, while I am holding these 4 quarts of warm, soapy water, which always produces some pre-cum that drips down onto the enema quilt. Once the enema is complete, she clicks off the hose, and I hold the enema in for as long as I can...which is usually five to ten minutes. When I tell her that I am about to lose the enema, she has me stand up, take the enema bag in my right hand, and sit on the toilet with the hose coming on in front of my between my legs. Then she gently pulls the nozzle out of my bulging ass, and it all gushes out into the toilet. She stays with me while I expel, rubbing my tummy and telling me that it will all be OK. It usually takes me about 15 minutes to get most of that first enema out, and we take a break.
After I feel that I have completely expelled the first enema. we do one or two clear 4 quart rinses, but now using my silicone double balloon rectal catheter. I get down on the quilt, she lubes up the first deflated balloon with a lot of Crisco (pie crusts anyone?), pre-lubes my ass again (so heavenly), and gently inserts the nozzle until the first balloon completely disappears into my ass. Then she inflates both bulbs, and are once again off to the races. Since the inflated balloon inside my rectum causes so much pressure, I feel the need to expel almost immediately, and tell her that I have to go "now". But she sternly tells me that I will have to take the entire enema and will have to hold it all in until she tells me that it is OK to expel. OMG! By the time half of the enema is in me, I am pleading with her to stop and let me go to the toilet. So many cramps! But she insists that I will have to take the whole thing whether I like it or not. So that is what happens. By the time those 4 quarts are inside my colon, I feel like I am about to burst, and the urge to defecate is so strong that my anal muscles are going into spasm. I stand up, pick up the empty enema bag from the door hook, and carry it while I again sit on the toilet with the hose and two air pumps dangling down in front of the toilet bowl. She then reaches underneath my right leg, and deflates the inner balloon...and it is shot out of my ass like a Howitzer. She then again rubs my tummy while I am expelling with a lot of heavy cramping, telling me that it I have been a good boy and that it will all be over soon. After I am finished and wipe myself on the toilet, I stand up, bend over, and she lovingly wipes my entire ass area with baby wipes..while also massaging my cock and balls again. We usually wait about an hour to allow all remaining water and waste to come up (I usually have four or five additional explosions which are probably aided by the original three suppos she had given me). Then, she gets naked, (she always cleans herself out very well before I show up) and we get into bed where I begin licking and sucking on her ripe nipples, and slowly work my way down between her legs to her beautiful bush and begin to use my very well trained tongue to bring her to a huge screaming climax. And while she is still moaning from this huge orgasm, I gently insert the lubed dildo into her beautiful and gorgeous ass, pushing it in as far as it will go. Then I repeat what I did before with my tongue (and reinforced with a finger in her vagina), but this time while playing with that dildo, and she has an even more explosive orgasm. After she comes down to earth again, it is my turn. She lubes up one of the larger dildos with lots of Crisco, and gently pushes it into my anxiously waiting ass, and then begins to suck my cock....and gives me the most amazing and explosive blow job I've ever had all the while fucking my ass with this huge dildo. After this, we are both exhausted and just lie in each other's arms for an hour or two. I have waited for over 50 years to find such an amazing, kind, gentle, beautiful, sexy, erotic and loving enemate. I am in heaven.