I get or do mine all the time, especially before sex meetings.
But if a lot of you are like me, you like to have a nice everyday shine on, that's not too obtrusive, which will still allow you to function in the real world, but also tells the world that yes, you may be a sissy!!! Here's what I do...
Buy yourself a nail buffer. Most come with a buffing area, a polishing area and a nail shine area.
Step 1: Buff your nails to remove any ridges and smooth the nail.
Step 2: Polish your nails to fine tune them, polishing has a finer grit.
Step 3: Shine your nails, brush this pad over your nails rigorously until u get a mirror finish.
People think I clear coat, when I have them take a good look, they are amazed!
Have fun gurls!