My parents always seemed pretty sexless to me, but I did see my father on top of my mother once, he was doing her either up the ass or just a good dogie fuck, I think I was only about 3 or 4 when I wandered into their bedroom one night. My mother did seem unusually interested in enemas, it seemed we got a lot of them as kids, but I think that was because our family doctor prescribed them for everything. I was usually sick when I got one, did not like it at all. ... but on my own, that was a whole different thing, started at about 5 or so.
One day when looking through my parents bathroom closet when they were away I found a little box, and in that box was an old vibrator, and I recall the attachments so well, one, was a little ball about 5/8" diameter. I tried that on my asshole a number of times, felt good, but I needed something larger ... I was into asshole play from the day I was born! LOL! I could get about 4 hot dogs up my ass at once way back then.
Another had little thingies sticking out, like a 1" diameter scrub brush ... never saw what that was for, but looking back, should have tried it on my tits!
And here was my favorite, it was a cup, about 1" in diameter that screwed onto the end of the vibrator, and that went onto my dick, like fast! I must have been around 10 when I found this, and I was able to cum.
I jerked off with that vibrator and cup endlessly, it was really powerful, and this vibrator had a ring around it you could remove so as to increase the vibrations more. I always had it off for full vibrations. This thing was powerful, really powerful, the cup must have vibrated back and forth at least 1/8". That, was a very very very hot toy. It was noisy, like really noisy. I could only use it when home alone, but every time my parents were gone out came the 2 qt. enema bag and this vibrator.
My mother use to talk about being constipated all of the time and use to go into the bathroom and do enemas. She also seemed to also have a lot of suppositories and laxatives around. I often wonder, especially now, if there were not surely a bit of kink involved in all of this. She did have some medical problems, so I just don't know.
Whatever, as a youth, I used to sneak the suppositories a lot, they we fun, and I can't even possibly count the number of times I made excellent use of that vibrator and the enema bag! And, the little brass hook by the toilet! What good times I had!
So, looking back, I think there might have been some kink of sorts involved with my parents. I do think my father was very much into sex. He had something of a reputation, it seems, for getting around. I think I inherited my tremendous sex drive from him and took it a step further! LOL