I wet the bed for a short time, maybe till 5-6? Not allot either. I never got put back into any diapers, trainers, or the like. I think it would have been a good thing if I was, but it didn't happen. My mom didn't think it would have been a good thing for me, I guess. I think she thought, I wouldn't have stopped if I had diapers.
I wouldn't have been to hot on the idea of having to be put into a diaper either. Even though back at that time, I like diapers. It's one thing to like the idea of a diapers and wear one for fun, and another to actually be forced to wear one.
But, in retrospect I think it would have been a good thing. And, I know it would have been done not as punishment.
I know, even being left to wet my bed, sheets, PJ's, was not meant to punish me. It was what it was, and mom would always get up to fix things.
Good thing for the (noisy) plastic sheet!