Iwill probably be stirring up a hornet’s nest, but I feel that this is reallynecessary to shake so many people out of their complacency, when it comes toeffective cleansing of the average adult colon.
I amwell aware that it is fashionable to reject the claims that most adults havesome degree of impacted colon, which interfere with attempts to obtain optimumhealth. I am ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that if someone was brave enough to conduct astudy, using patients who have been tested, and found to have peer-reviewedsqueaky-clean pink colons, that if they were then given a series of largevolume enemas, ending with from 4 quarts and up to a maximum of 6 quarts, thatmost of these patients would expel considerable foul-smelling faecal material. Ithink that most open-minded Medical experts would be ASTOUNDED by theseresults.
Isanyone willing to take up the challenge, preferably in the field ofGastroenterology, to disprove these claims. You might even face condemnationfrom the Medical establishment.
Therehave been just too many claims by Medical doctors 100 years ago, and also morerecently, by alternative therapists, to back up these facts. Here is some ofthe evidence which I have compiled over the last 15 years:-
[font="]Anold test to detect impaction of the adult colon was by means of a large enemacan; if 6 quarts could be introduced, there was no impaction of the colon; ifless than 4 quarts could be introduced, there was some impaction of the colon.From Modern Surgery – J. De Costa - 1919 [/font]
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Many people suffering greatly from a cloggedcondition of the system still have a daily movement of the bowels; and having adaily movement, such persons usually have no idea that they are suffering fromretention of fecal matter, and from fermenting foods. In many such cases theintestines, and especially the colon, have adhering to their inner surfaceconsiderable quantities of old hardened feces, while yet there is a movementthrough the center of the bowel. The truth of this assertion may easily beproven by taking a large enema. Let the patient lie on the back, preferablywith the hips raised higher than the head, and inject two, or three, or ifpossible four quarts of warm water into the bowels. Let every effort be used toretain this water as long as possible; when it is released it will usuallycarry with it such an amount of fecal matter with an especially offensive odoras will convince even the most skeptical.
From HowNature Cures - E.Densmore M.D.- London 1891.
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Ithas been estimated that with the majority of people living in our so called“civilised life” nearly 70% suffer from constipation to a greater or lesserdegree. A well-known authority has said “Daily movements of the bowel are nosign that the colon is not impacted; in fact the worst cases of impaction thatwe ever saw were those in which daily movements of the bowels occurred.”
Dr.Turner conducted an extended series ofinvestigations with the startling result that he felt justified in claimingthat fully 70% of all adults are afflicted with impacted colons in variousdegrees. A Chicago physician in the “MedicalExaminer” says “The formation of cells or cavities in the colon become the seatof faecal accumulations only too often unnoticed by the physician”.
Accumulations can occur in any part of the colon.These cavities in the colon contain small faecal accumulations extending overweeks, months or even years. Reports from hospitals where autopsies areconducted show that in about 500 cases in which examinations of the colon havebeen made, about 50 were found to have colons in a natural condition. Themajority (90%) were found to be greatly clogged with hardened excrement. [/b]
From The Practical Water Cure - YogiRamacharaka. [This is the pen-name of a British Yoga Practitioner.]
ManyDoctors and Therapists of the past, have recognized the frequency of impactedmaterial in the colon, especially in those who are chronically constipated. It is usually not possible to remove all ofthis hardened material by a single large volume enema. Here are the recommendationsof Dr. Kellogg:-
The Copious Enema - Thepurpose of this mode of applying the enema is to introduce the largest quantityof water possible to fill the entire colon without overdistending it.[/i] [/b]Four tosix quarts (liters) are often used. Frequently quantities of old putrefying faecal masses, semi-hardened bylong retention, make their appearance after a copious enema has been thoroughlyadministered every day for a week or more, showing that a single flushing ofthe colon, no matter how thorough[/i][/b], is not sufficient to achieve effectivecleansing. In this class of patients the copious enema should be administereddaily for two or three weeks if necessary, while the patient complains ofgaseous distension of the bowels and fetid flatulence.
From Home Handbook of Domestic Hygiene and Rational Medicine -J.H.Kellogg M.D. 1903Hereis a recent observation from a Canadian Chiropracter:-
Mostpeople think they are not constipated because they have a bowel movement almostevery day, accomplished without straining. I have even had clients tell me thatthey have a bowel movement once a week and they are quite certain that they arenot constipated. The most surprising thing to novice fasters is that repeatedenemas or colonics during fasting begins to release many pounds of undeniablyreal, old, caked faecal matter and/or huge mucus strings. The first-time fastercan hardly believe these were present. These old faecal deposits will not allbe removed by the tenth enema. But over the course of extended fasting or a longspell of light raw food eating with repeated daily enemas, amazing changes dobegin to occur. It seems that no one who has eaten a civilized diet has escapedthe formation of caked deposits lining the colon’s walls, interfering with itsfunction. This material does not respond to laxatives or casually administeredenemas.
Whenincreasingly larger enemas are administered until the colon is nearly emptiedof fecal matter and the injection of close to a gallon of water is achieved,beneficial exercise and an increase in overall muscle tone are the results.Correctly given, enemas serve as strengthening exercises for the colon. Thislong tubular muscle is repeatedly and completelyfilled[/i], inducing it to vigorously exercise while evacuating itself mutipletimes. The result is a great increase in muscle tone, acceleration ofperistalsis and eventually, after several dozens of repetitions [of one enema aday for six months to a year], a considerable reduction of transit time. FromHow and When to Be Your Own Doctor - Dr. Isabelle A. Moser with Steve SolomonJune, 1997. (Dr Moser is a Canadian Chiropracter.)
Some colon therapists are reluctant to fillthe colon completely, because of the cramping and discomfort experienced by thepatient. They fear that the solution will be forced though the ileo-cecal valveand cause pain and nausea, and the patient will never return. Sometimes aseries of large volume enemas can achieve a more thorough cleansing than acolonic irrigation.
A six quart enema is required tocompletely fill the large intestine, and leakage of fluid through theileo-cecal valve into the small intestine is rare.
FromDiseases of the Digestive Organs – Charles D. Aaron – 1921
Here is the experience of a Canadian model:-
I am a 31 year old married woman. In the last4 years, I have found a clinic in Jamaicawhere I had a lot of enema treatments. [/b]Iwas there for 3 weeks and had at least 5 high volume enemas every day alongwith massage administered at the same time. They used long colon tubes on meand the longest colon tube is inserted to 60”. The enemas were given veryslowly and were very large - 5 quarts or more. I have to tell you they werewonderful and I have so much energy from them. My health has never been better,and I highly recommend them.
I have been to colonic clinics where you areon a machine for about 45 minutes, and then they say nothing more is comingout, so that is the end of the session. For me high enemas of at least 5 quarts do so much more, and I proved that tomyself by having a long session right after having a colonic. The amount ofmatter that came out was very surprising, and continued to come out for a goodfour hours that I was given the enemas. Also I have had my colon checked and Ihave far less kinks in it than I did before. I am very healthy, with lots ofenergy and my weight is great, which is very important for my work. At home,between clinic visits, I have large enemas of between 4 and 5 quarts at least 3times a week and feel wonderful for them.
From Susanne – A Canadian Model – 2005.
Inorder to shorten the treatment time and to reduce the number of enemas requiredfor clearing the impacted colons found in many adults, some therapists haverecognized the need for retaining large volume enemas for at least 15 minutesand often up to 30 minutes. Here is a procedure recommended by two MedicalDoctors, for use in the home:-
The HighEnema: A high enema is often necessary for constipation, when the colon hasbecome impacted. It should be taken on the left side or back, so that the watermay pass the sigmoid flexure and enter the colon. The use of a good soapdissolved in the water will help. Moderately warm or cool water is best. Allowfrom gallon to a gallon and a half (4 to 6 quarts) to flow from the syringeinto the bowels. While the bowels are heavily loaded in this manner the bodyshould not be constricted by bands or corsets. To be effective, one should liestill and retain it for fifteen to thirty minutes. Do not take more than threetimes a week, as they weaken the bowel.
From Viavi Hygiene - Hartland Law MD and Herbert E.Law, FCS – 1908 Page 399.
Thelong retention of large volume enemas, is very challenging and uncomfortable,with the urge to expel the enema becoming intolerable before the designatedretention time is up. Anyone who has experimented with this procedure, will beaware that it takes a lot of practice and perseverance. Because of thesedifficulties, this treatment has fallen out of favour with Doctors and thegeneral public.
About30% of teenagers growing up all over Europe during the 50’s and 60’s were given regular large volume enemas whichthey had to retain for long periods. Here is a typical example from Switzerland:-
I am 36 years old from Switzerland. Enemas are a family tradition. My mother got verylarge enemas when she was young. Mother, a nurse, also gave me very largeenemas at least once a week. Often she gave very crampy enemas of large amount.Before and during menstruation I got them every day. I got my first 4 liter enemaat 12. From the age of 14 I was given a 5 liter enema of herbal tea, which Ihad to hold for 45 minutes. From the age of 17, 6 liter enemas were routine.The retention time was always between 30 and 90 minutes. Every two weeks I wasgiven distension enemas (called ‘Dehnungseinlauf’) of 7 liters. I was thankfulthat she strapped me to our special enema-table, to help me to hold such large enemas. From Astrid –2009.
Thefollowing is the most thorough enema procedure that I have come across in printin English. In this procedure the volume is slowly increased by 1 pint a day,to clear more and more of the colon. It is recommended by a highly qualifiedtherapist in his Naturopathic Textbook:-
JamesHewlett-Parsons (Fellow and Secretary of the Register of Consultant Herbalistsand Homeopathic Practitioners and sometime Vice President of the Guild ofNaturopaths and Osteopaths.)
Anyonewishing to take a full colon cleansing, should always be properly prepared byspending at least one day on an all-fruit diet before starting. At least eighthours should have elapsed after the last fruit meal and it is always best doneafter a night’s rest. [The day on the fruit diet and 8 hour fast ensures thatthe stomach and small intestine are completely emptied thus preventing nausea.]
Theresults with an enema can in the private house can be just as good as thecolonic irrigation apparatus. It is best to obtain an 8 pint (5 liter) size, asthis is the normal maximum used in this way. Inject the water on the left sideor in a kneeling or crouching position. The left side is perhaps the bestposition. The first irrigation should not exceed 1 pint of water at bodytemperature and this amount can be increased by 1 pint on each succeeding dayuntil the patient’s maximum [from 6 to 8 Imperial pints or 4 to 5 liters] hasbeen reached.
When thedesired amount has been absorbed, the patient should continue to lie on theleft side for 10 minutes and then turn to lie on the back for a further 10minutes with careful kneading of the abdomen. After this the patient turns overto the right side for another 10 minutes, followed by 10 minutes in the facedown position. If, during this time [in the face down position] the retentionof the water becomes intolerable, then it should be expelled and a longer timeaimed at with the next irrigation. [Note: The authorrecognizes the difficulty in the [/b]retentionof the enema in the face down position, because of the increased pressurecaused by the weight of the body on the distended abdomen. Nevertheless in spiteof this difficulty, he recommends aiming for the full ten minutes retention, toensure the loosening of hardened encrusted waste.]
[font="]If it is found impossible to hold the water for thislength of time on the first day, there is no cause for alarm and greaterlengths of time can be aimed at quite successfully in following treatmentsuntil a maximum of forty minutes has been reached. Quite often theencrustations of many years will be harmlessly expelled by a course of theseirrigations and in many cases the patient will feel rejuvenated[/font]. [font="]From NaturopathicPractice – Hewlett-Parsons – 1985 – Pages 133 to 135.[/font]
“Beware of using tap wateror a soap solution, especially when large quantities of water are used. Soapsolutions result in unnecessary irritations of the colon and plain water risksupsetting the sugar and salt balance in the blood, which can result in greattiredness and even total collapse. [/i]Solutionsused for large enemas should always [/i]containa teaspoonful of salt to each liter of water used.” From Clair Boewer, who runsthe leading German colonic clinic in Munich.
In the followingaccount the need for a normal saline solution to maintain the electrolytebalance, is recognized, when large volume enemas are retained:-
[font="]Mymother in law has been taking large volume enemas ever since she was firsttaken to a spa in Mexico by her mother at age 12. She is now the owner of thisspa. I have been going to the spa every summer for 13 years now and stay forseveral weeks. I enjoy all the enemas I am given. All the enemas given at thespa are carefully calculated to maintain electrolyte balance in the system. Aslong as the chemical balance is maintained, enemas can be retained for hours.Water can be used for long periods of colon stretching as long as a teaspoonfulof salt is added to each liter of water used. You naturally absorb somesolution when it stays in your colon for several hours, but a catheter isalways inserted before the enema is started to allow elimination by thekidneys. At the spa I look forward to, once a week, being filled with 5 to 6liters and then holding the full amount for 4 to 5 hours. There is an MD on thestaff at the spa, and he is always nearby or in the room when most of thetreatments are given. [/font]
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[font="]Athome I build up to 5 to 6 liters at least twice a week, usually on the weekendwhen my husband can do it for me. I believe that frequent large enemas are thekey to a healthy colon and prevention of colon cancer as well as many otherproblems. [/b][/font]
[font="]FromJune Dietz – Daughter of a Doctor of Natural Medicine - 2007.[/font]
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Finally here is the opinionof a very well-respected family physician:-
Some physicians threatentheir patients with disaster if they take enemas, but I can’t see the sense ofthis because in 37 year’s experience I have never seen anyone whose colonappeared to have been damaged by repeated washings.
Recently I saw a woman whohad taken enemas every day for 17 years, but X-rays of her colon showed nothingunusual. Furthermore the mucosa was perfectly normal. In another case in whichthe woman had taken enemas everyday for 10 years, I was able to study a pile offilms which she had had made of her colon at yearly intervals. These showed nochange in the size or shape of the bowel, and in this case also the mucosa wasnormal.
I have asked hundreds ofphysicians, if they had ever seen enemas do harm, but all that an occasionalone could tell me about was a scratch on the rectal wall produced by the tip onthe end of the tube. I have therefore no fear of enemas, and I cannot see whyso many physicians now object to them as they do. From Nervous Indigestion and Pain - Dr.Alvarez. 1950.