My response to your question Rockdoc would be from my personal views of meeting with a playdoc and chatting with other people via this site.
As I don’t do fantasy, its realism all the way for me, I find that learning about an individuals lifestyle, what makes them tick (or not as in the case of some) is beneficial to myself and hopefully to them as well to learn about what makes me the person I am. To chat with a potential playdoc and hear them speak about everyday activities, general topics, non medfet related subjects gives the impression that they are not solely intent on getting a woman’s knickers off and that they are able to communicate in educated correspondence, with courtesy and respect. For that reason, the playdoc will not be to me, a stranger when we meet up for the first time.
As you say yourself there has to be trust and understanding between the people concerned, and again from my point of view, there has to be some inside knowledge of that person. Not necessarily sharing the same views or sense of humour, although that is a tremendous bonus if they do, but building up a friendship before a meeting is to be considered.
Yes I do think that once a friendship is made and further meetings take place it does still hold that excitement, maybe a little more sometimes as the anticipation of what might (or not) be part of the examination each time.
Obviously other people have different views to mine and it wouldn’t do for us all to be the same, variety is the spice of life as the saying goes. As I said at the beginning these are just my thoughts on the question you pose and as with the other replies you have received, I hope this goes some way towards a response you were looking for........