At present, I'm self-catheterizing from 1 to 6 times a day because I have some nerve damage that results in urinary retention or residual urine.
I have to deal with UTI's on a regular basis no matter how careful I am with the process; it's just something that's going to happen.
A few weeks ago, I had a Foley in for a week and I'll admit that the sensations at times were ... interesting.
However, if you're putting yourself in the running for having to deal with what I have to deal with, you should know the consequences. They include carrying catheters everywhere you go and always scoping out restrooms to make sure that it's practical to use them. Handicapped bathrooms are nice, but there's still no convenient way to wash your perineal area in privacy, so you have to consider also having everything you need to wash up with you, too. For women, it means sometimes "missing the hole" on the first try and like jelly bread that always drops jelly-down, you're only going to miss the hole when it's the last catheter in your purse. You can't NOT go, but you also know that the cath has been where it shouldn't be before it goes inside. You wash it and hope, but ... you deal with the UTI.
So ... alcohol up there? That sounds about as stupid as drinking a pint of vodka while driving. Forced catheterization that is truly forced and rough? Same level of stupidity.
Safe ... sane ... and consentual. A lot of what is being talked about here misses on two of the three criteria, and some on all three.