My take on the personal interest in you by your colon therapist:
I don't know quite what the questions were, but some colon therapists' holistic approach to their treatment is to gently explore a client's personal life. This is out of belief in the mind-body connection and wanting to treat the whole person. I had one colon therapist who was like that. In our first session she asked me a lot about other health issues and from there began to explore life stressors. I think she felt that to not address those things--even though her primary speciality was colonics--would be not not fully address the physical problem I was dealing with.
In most places I know of, a colon therapist has to be certified. The certification process involves training, and it's quite likely that ethics would be a part of that training. From the point of view of someone interested in seeing respect and integrity develop in their profession (especially one that many mainstream medical practitioners disagree with), a situation where colon therapists are dating their patients would be viewed as a huge breach of professionalism. My guess is that colon therapists are very well aware of the sexual feelings that come up for many people in such a treatment, and for the therapist to be seen as taking advantage of such sexual feelings that the patient--well, I'm assuming that the overwhelming majority of such therapists don't want to go there.
Here's another question; how often are your instincts correct when it comes to sensing what a person you're attracted to thinks of you? For me, I tend to read people very well, but I know that one exception is in reading the intentions of someone I'm very attracted to. That's because I'm not just perceiving ther, but also desiring her, and perhaps even developing an attachment to the possibility of romance with that person.
My guess is that the women who have responded to this post probably have a more accurate view of your situation than anyone else on this forum does. Otherwise, if you can't let go of the possibility of something happening between you and your colon therapist, maybe you can casually ask your colon therapist about her training and certification process. My guess is that a code of ethics is involved. If she doesn't mention it, ask her about it. In any case, be very, very careful about jumping to concusions about her interests.