I wonder about the efficacy and safety when you are putting foreign substances into your rectum and colon.
I did it in the past without any real consequences; I was lucky. I even remember one experience with some whiskey. And, that sojourn taught me that I never wanted to try alcohol again, administered rectally.
Today it is warm water, and not necessarily a full 2 quarts...
But, when I read about those that use 'stuff' until they are nauseous, or in pain, I have to ask WHY? What is the point???
It's likely that it depends on why one is taking the enema in the first place, coupled with the results that you are seeking.
And, I am not passing judgment here, for I don't want others to do the same with me. And, in the vanilla world, some folks could have a field day with me...
For me, today, I seek either a sensual experience, or a qualified cleansing, giving and/or receiving; and, most enemas result in both, while also providing a sense of peace and tranquility. I like the intimacy... I can come away from the 'quiet room' feeling refreshed and even energized. It's always like a little magic was involved...
Ssssoooo, please do 'it' safely, whatever you are putting in your bag, and/or rectum...
And, have a very Happy Holiday season!