While I try very hard not to generalize by using terms such as ALL, NEVER etc, especially concerning medical professionals, there are just some things that I know are "usually" true.
I am not shrink, but I play one on TV, I am however a nurse, and play one in real life everyday. Myself and the other medical professionals here will tell you pretty much strait up what is realistic and what is not. We, more so than most can sort out the bull crap from the truth and are not afraid to make that point clear.
Due to the "event" that happened last year, I have become quite knowledgeable on medical law, medical boundaries, and other such topics. I grew up in a house with a lawyer, and by law, in order for me to keep my license, I have to take continuing education classes dealing with medical law.
Does that make me an expert? Nope, absolutely not. But my medical opinion is that,....I'm guessing that any doctor that made patients get totally naked, crossed boundary lines, was medically/sexually inappropriate with patients etc., probably wouldn't be in practice very long. Just a guess there.
I can also tell you that before the "event" happened, my doctor then, who was also my boyfriend then and still is for that matter would give me my physicals, examine me for whatever I needed, and even though he was my boyfriend, meaning that yes, we were sleeping together, he NEVER, not one time, EVER, had me completely naked on his exam table.
So while I won't say a patient won't EVER be totally naked, I will say.......probably not real likely. Just sayin !