As you will read from the following extracts, doctors once approved of daily large volume enemas:-
There are some hygienic students who have adopted the idea of cleansing the bowels with warm water once or twice a week, and yet they find that they are not properly cleansed. They still have periods of biliousness and misery. They wonder at themselves for being so rash and bold as to take an enema twice a week, and begin to feel that they have reached a point of positive danger.
One objection is that the use of the enema will weaken the bowels, which are already too ‘weak’ to expel their contents. “Atony, paralysis, fatty degeneration of the gut, are bad enough,” say these objectors, “without having an enema increase their uselessness.” This diagnosis is wrong and the objection groundless. Distend and contract an organ for a short time two or three times a day, and it will gain in strength from the exercise. What more gentle means of exercising the large intestine than by the enema?
Enemas do not have the power to weaken that part of the bowel involved in disease. For 20 years I have found that almost every case of intestinal foulness, diarrhoea, indigestion and self-poisoning was due to too much activity and vigour of the bowels, as a result of proctitis, colitis etc.
What an erroneous and absurd idea that the enema should weaken the bowels. Exercise ought to strengthen muscular tissue and what could give the bowels more gentle exercise than the proper use of them? Complete evacuation of the contents of the bowels should occur two or three times a day. This can be accomplished by injecting into the colon from three to four quarts of warm water.
The length of time during which enemas are to be used, whether months or years will depend on the character of the disease that made its use necessary. Do not give up treatment under which you have improved if it requires one, two or three years to accomplish what you have so well started out to do. From Intestinal Ills - Jamison MD - 1920.
The amount of vitality and strength one possesses at any time is directly dependent upon the degree of cleanliness of the intestinal tract and of the blood stream. Few people know that the normal functioning of the bowels and a clean intestinal tract make it impossible to become sick, and very few people know that the universal disorder from which all of humanity is suffering, constipation and auto-intoxication, is not only curable but preventable through internal bathing, and the proper consumption of roughage, from vegetables and fruits. Few people realize how important internal bathing is in acquiring and maintaining a healthy body.
An internal bath is a method of treatment for acquiring and maintaining a healthy condition of the human body by washing out the colon or large intestine. This is not what is known as taking an injection; for the small amount of water usually used in the injection (one to two quarts), is ineffective, as it stirs up toxic material, without washing it out completely, leaving the person feeling worse than before. From four to six quarts injected into the colon is what constitutes an internal bath. It should be taken every day for at least six months, and then may be taken twice a week.
I earnestly recommend the internal bath as a means of regaining and maintaining health, after having used it for more than ten years for myself and others, and having observed the same good results from its regular use. The preservation of health is a duty everyone owes to oneself and friends; and a failure to use the knowledge when it has been obtained is nothing less than slow suicide. From The Golden Age Magazine – 1920.
The amount of flushing needed to restore the colon varies between individuals. A daily flush of 4 to 6 quarts for a month may be all that’s needed, followed by a weekly maintenance flush. For others the daily enema may have to be continued for from three months to a year. A daily enema rids the body of toxins allowing an energetic, positive attitude. It can be especially helpful in getting rid of migraines, skin problems, arthritis, hemorrhoids and other problems associated with an overloaded immune system. Flushing the unhealthy bacteria and waste out of the colon on a regular schedule is just as important as taking regular baths. From Robert Biggs – 2008.
Some years ago we saw a lady from Indianapolis who had used an enema every morning for 22 years. She had been a poor invalid suffering almost continuously from sick headaches and bilious attacks. When cathartics no longer worked she began using the enema for the relief it gave her. She was warned by her physician, that this would paralyse her colon. She kept on with its use. She never had any more sick headaches or bilious attacks. At 70 as young as ever she said that the enema had saved her life and continued to keep her in good health.
From Health via Food - W.H. Hay MD. - 1934.
An American doctor of osteopathic repute, who in early life was subjected to a most crude form of intestinal ‘short-circuiting’, has been obliged to use the enema daily over a period of twenty-five years and maintains that she is in very much better health today, with no signs of sagging or prolapsed colon. From The Fast Way to Health and Vigour - H.R.Brown - 1960
My mother gave me bulb enemas from the age of 5 years. About age 10 I started taking my own enemas. I have taken one or sometimes two enemas of 4 to 5 quarts each, every day for at least 50 years. At age 66 today, I feel my health has only been maintained in very good condition because of it and I expect to stay that way. From Dan – 2009.
I have been taking daily enemas since I was 12. I am now a very healthy 38 young male. I don’t know why people have a fear of daily enemas. I have found that since I decided to take very large enemas of at least 4 quarts and up to 6 quarts every day for a year, I actually had better bowel movements than before and my skin has a wonderful glow – something like a pregnant woman gets. •This is awesome and I recommend to everyone to get a 6 quart enema bag with hose and learn to enjoy daily enemas like I do. From David Grant – 2008
Some physicians threaten their patients with disaster if they take enemas, but I can’t see the sense of this because in 37 year’s experience I have never seen anyone whose colon appeared to have been damaged by repeated washings.
Recently I saw a woman who had taken enemas every day for 17 years, but X-rays of her colon showed nothing unusual. Furthermore the mucosa was perfectly normal. In another case in which the woman had taken enemas everyday for 10 years, I was able to study a pile of films which she had had made of her colon at yearly intervals. These showed no change in the size or shape of the bowel, and in this case also the mucosa was normal.
I have asked hundreds of physicians, if they had ever seen enemas do harm, but all that an occasional one could tell me about was a scratch on the rectal wall produced by the tip on the end of the tube. I have therefore no fear of enemas, and I cannot see why so many physicians now object to them as they do. From Nervous Indigestion and Pain - Dr. Alvarez. 1950.