I always love it when i see a beautiful doctor with her stethoscope. The moment my eye catches her eyes and diaphragm of stethoscope hanging on shoulders i get aroused.
My heart becomes so strong and fast and i just become so silent, not having thoughts at all, in order to let her listen deep in my heart.
i prefer fast direct auscultation of different parts of my chest either with my back straight or little turned forward. I love playing shy and not looking at her directly. Just seeing placing her steth on my shaved chest, feeling the pulse.
My favorite is when she starts from my back. I've done it so far with girlfriends but not with real female doc. It is more exciting to know that the person is a doc in real-life. Unless the case is that the other really loves it.
I especially love surgeon's uniforms and masks and all the light of exam rooms. Lying down is also ok, not expecting when she'll put her cold stethoscope on me, pretending she has a conversation with other docs or doing something else before this. I get so concentrated when this happens, sexual activity needs concentration. And heart and emotions need to be concentrated to have helathy sexual life i believe.
Asking me to breathe deeply, i always obey on the same time.
Of course i can be very sexually productive just with this setting. You cannot imagine. All my girlfriends had never had any strong sexual experience before i came into their life. And this is all the lifeforce of my sexuality.