I remember lining up in a cold corridor holding our medical files, pink for girls, blue for boys.. Outside the medical room at school.
This was at Secondary school, from age 11 - 16.
We had to strip to our vest and pants, (bra and pants once older) with bare feet, and were called in, in groups of about 5 at a time, where the school nurse would take our weight and height, check our hair for nits, and do an eye test, then we would join another queue to wait to go into the Dr's room.. which was infact the sickbay room, where we used to lie down on a bed if feeling ill during a school day.
I remember seeing an older male Dr once, who listened to my chest, looked in my eyes, ears and mouth, with a nurse who took notes.
I remember having the spine exam where we had to bend down while he palpated the bones, which also meant right to the tail bone and therefore pulling down my underwear slightly to the crack of my backside.
And that was about it.. not really embarrassing.
Females also had a rubella injection at 14, in the arm.
Other than that, we had the school dentist in, about once a year.