Not sure how many women out there are really into rectal thermometer play. Certainly, many women who respond here are in favor, but I think that's a biased sample, to say the least, since every woman reading this post is into medical fetish, and was interested enough to read a link about rectal temperatures.
It seems to me that most women who are into medical fetish are submissives, so it makes sense that they would enjoy being told to take their clothes off, and bend over/roll over/lay across a lap to be as exposed as a person could possibly be, and then have a thermometer placed into their rectum. It's the ultimate in submission, as well as an exercise in trust.
I wold be interested in also knowing how many women who are interested in rectal temperatures are also interested in spankings. I have found that the vast majority of women who are interested in RTs are also into spanking, probably due to their submissive tendencies. Anyone else have an opinion to offer there?
To the ladies out there who want to experience this, I encourage you to do so. Mention it to your significant other. If that doesn't work, or if you're too embarrassed to do so, find someone to help you explore your interests. Personally, I've been able to introduce many women to rectal thermometer play, online, in the comfort of their own home, and I'm happy to do it as often as I can. If any of you are interested in hearing more about that, please feel free to contact me, either vie erotic clinic, via email ( or on yahoo IM (wolf19129). All you need is some time, some lube, some privacy, and a thermometer!
-Dr. Wolf