If you do something stupid, in a word, YES.
Repeated use of ever increasing sized enemas can cause you to develop acquired megacolon.
I have had three memorably bad experiences, none related to volume. I am not a size queen. One was a too large, too strong wine enema, held too long with a double balloon rectal catheter, where I got quite drunk and extremely sweaty (I posted this experience here someplace on this site, I'll check where later). Another was using Palmolive green dishwashing soap about 15 years ago. It left me with an extremely sore anus and the urge to push, long after I was completely empty. I'll never use that again. The other falls under the category of STUPID that I mentioned above. I was out shopping on a Saturday morning a year or two after we were married, and while in the drug store on the checkout line, I saw all the tins of snuff and chewing tobacco. I thought it would be interesting to make a snuff solution enema to find out what people liked about the it, only I would be using it in a solution up my butt, rather than sniffing it into my nose. When I got home, I used about a heaping teaspoon in 2 quarts of warm water. I have never smoked anything, cigarettes or pot. I hate the smell, the mess, and everything about it. The nicotine gave me a bit of a buzz during the first couple of minutes, then I felt kind of drunk, then I got all sweaty, then my ears started ringing and the icing on the cake was I got so nauseous, I thought I was going to throw up, but since I hadn't eaten in several hours, all I had were dry heaves. I ended up crawling into bed and sleeping it off for about three hours. This was an afternoon enema on a Saturday and my husband wasn't home. When I was feeling as bad as I was, I was sorry that my husband wasn't there to help me, or at least let me know that I would pull through after my period of suffering. Luckily, this was before we had children. That was another one I never did again.