I get where you're going with this idea, and some of your thoughts have merit. However, some of the things you're asking about are quite improper.
As you spend more time here, and read more of the posts, you will find that this is a small community and that word gets around quickly. Certain folks on this board have reputations as competent docs and nurses, some as patients, etc. It's really something that's gained by experience and not necessarily by referral.
As for who we play with, that's frankly not your business. Everyone here knows that I have a medplay partner, and that we met on this board, etc. A few fellow members know who he is, but that's because I told them in one-on-one conversations. I wouldn't dream of publicizing his name for all and sundry, and he feels the same way about letting folks know that he plays with me. Having said that, if you pay attention to posts, you can generally figure out who the "couples" are. As to the nature of the relationships that start on this board, I think that too is the domain of the individual players.
Again, you're new here, but I think you'll find that if you read carefully and take the time to get to know some of the personalities, you'll discover what everyone's "specialty" is, and whether or not people are "good" or not. Let's not forget that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Somewhere on the forum there is a thread about a Play-doc Directory but providing that information is strictly voluntary. A glance at profiles and personal ads might also be helpful in finding what you want.
Play On!