My Aunt Kathy, who was an RN gave me enemas from about age 4 till I married & left home at age 21. She also gave me the prep enemas when our three children were born. She was my mother’s sister, was three years older than her and lived with my widowed Grandmother, who also, through the years, gave me an occasional enema.
My Aunt had been engaged twice that I know of but her second fiancée was killed in the Korean War and the other, an earlier engagement fell apart for reasons that are not known to me. I was born in 1954 and never knew either of them. She worked in the local hospital, was a school nurse for a while, did private duty and also volunteered in a store front clinic that provided low or no cost medical services to the disadvantaged and the elderly with limited incomes.
The first enema I remember receiving was given to me by her when I was age 4 just before my 5th birthday. I was sick and remember her and my mother telling me that I needed to have some medicine so I would be well for my birthday party the following week. She used a white can and red rubber tube, and always used them when giving an enema. When I received the enema I was in bed lying on my side and my mother was lying next to me as she held me close and telling me what a good girl I was as the enema was given. I recall feeling the red tube slipping into me and then later coming our and liked the way it felt. I don’t remember any thing hurting and when the enema was all in my aunt told me that she was proud of me because I was such a big girl as she pulled out the tube, then picked me up and carried me to the toilet.
Over the years my aunt gave me other enemas with the can and 18-inch colon tube. Sometimes if I was very constipated while in the knee chest position a 4-oz red bulb with a colon tube attached to the bulbs nozzle was used to give me a warm olive oil enema before the water enema, the tube would be slowly pushed in as the bulb was squeezed. I was never afraid to have an enema, because they were gently and lovingly given. The red tube always felt good or maybe I should say nice going in and coming out, I always liked the feeling. Up to age 12 if I did have cramps the enema would be stopped for a while, I’d be told to pant like a puppy and my tummy would be massaged till the cramp went away, then the enema restarted but when the second cramp happened no more enema was given and I could get on the toilet. At age 12 and older I was required to take the entire enema regardless of cramping and then hold through 2 cramps or 5 minutes whichever came first. If she thought I didn't go enough then another enema was given. By age 14 I had been taught to give myself enemas but if I ask my mother or aunt for help taking one, they did.
The only thing I have to add about my aunt is that when I was a sophomore in high school, my aunt taught me how to give enemas and my mother was my patient.
I have three sisters that received enemas from my aunt just like I did but they were always given privately.