Hiy'all, my first post.. So go easy on me, .. ^x^ ..OK?
Took me almost a year before I finaly decided to stretch up my clit by sucktion in order to attach electrodes for e-stim / BDSM purposes in a more convenient way. I quickly learned it sure DOES involve risks such as numness due to damaged nerve and bloodvessel tissue and that I had to monitor progress carefully.. After quiete a while of daily excersise the result is clearly vissible without any side effects; One GOLDEN RULE though.. If it hurts (too much) , better slow down, however.. This is pretty much the problem; If longlasting or even permanent numness occurs.. YOU ARE TOO LATE! Nerve-cells are among the hardest to repair for a human body or by a PhD., also.. My painlevels are pretty high and trained so.. So much for pain as a 'danger'-indicator, I had to rely on visual inspection and sensation levels after the procedure, also actualy measuring the amount of sucktion sounds like a GREAT idear if you use it as a (daily) therapy!
In my search for more info on the female aspects of pumping I digged trough the blogs for success stories.. I was kinda surprised some girls who were practicing for years sounded somewhat obsessed by the idear of creating a 'monster' down there or.. "I may outgrow ma boyfriends' one day! *smiles* " and looking at the pic's I frequently was thinking: "I wouldn't do THAT to my pussy.. @.@ .. or budhole ?!?", but I do scary stuff they wouldn't think of doing, just a matter of choice I guesse.. For girls I haven't found reliable medical studdies besides some success stories, prolly becoz the reason why one would enlarge her clit aren't based on medical grounds. So we'll prolly never know wich method or device gets an independent physician's approval or what actualy happens to tissue over a longer period of time. All I can say is that it does what it does and that it's still working for me, it's bigger now (big ENOUGH!) then when I started, so.. To minimize risk I take it a bit slower lately.. An e-stim electrode inside a sucktion tube feels great btw.!
Lot's more has been written about penis pumping and.. The terrible stuff that MAY go wrong! It's intended as temp. erection boost or to treat impotence. Research clearly shows it does NOT permanently enlarge a penis, the DAMAGE however may or may not be permanent! Some studdies show some permanent results for penis stretching kits wich stimulates actual tissue growth as done by some African tribes, but this method requires you to walk around with a device in your pants for at least 4 hrs. a day! But also here.. Too much == TOO MUCH! I suggest to investigate yourself prior to use ANY device and maybe even more important.. Are the pleasures / benefits realy worth the risks?