OK, get punch balls. Pack of 4 for 99 cents. Go to surgical supply, and get some blood pressure tubing, an inflation bulb, with valves, and a dial type blood pressure gauge. Turn the balloon inside out. Poke a TINY hole near the bottom, in the pleated area. Thread the BP tubing into the balloon, and poke it through the hole. Now, wrap the balloon around the tubing and secure it with a tiny little rubber band. Put an metal INSERT into the BP tube, so the pressure of the band doesn’t collapse it. Now, turn the balloon back the normal way (right side out). Now, put your BP inflator in the tube, and pump up your balloon. It should hold the air, leak free. (squeeze the open end of the balloon shut) OK, now you have a working balloon.
So, let’s put it on a colon tube! Get alcohol spray ( I do injections pretty much, so I have a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol) First, cut the tip of the balloon out, but make it small! Just cut the very tip of the balloon off! Now the balloon is open at both ends! Spray the alcohol and force the colon tube in the big end, and out the small end! Use plenty of alcohol to make it slippery! Pull the tube through, until you have like 5 feet of tubing. I can get all of that up inside a new girl, so should YOU! I posted how, on another page! Check it out! OK, now you have 5 feet of tube, and then the balloon. Now, the top of the balloon is tight, and won’t leak air, so you’re fine at that end. The bottom end is pretty loose, so wrap it with a rubber band. Not too hard. You don’t wanna collapse the latex colon tube! Make your balloon SHORT and FAT, not long and thin. Honestly, I turn it inside out, but without a video to show you, you’d never begin to understand what I’m doing. I lay awake all night and dream up this stuff! Plus, I’m skilled with my hands too. For now, you have a colon tube with a simple balloon five feet up.
OK, now you’re ready for use. Lube up the girl, and get her hot. Spend an hour or two. Insert the tube into her. Read my other post to see how to get all five feet inside. When the balloon is near her rectum, suck all the air out, and clamp it off. Lube it up good, super-slippery with plenty of jelly. Push it in her, plus another 4 to 5 inches. Now, it’s in her side, above her pubic hair, past the first rectal turn. Pump it up to 30, at first, on the BP gauge. Use a T fitting to plumb in the BP gauge. Now, tug on the tubing gently. It won’t come out, because the balloon is inflated, and it won’t slip past the rectal turn. That’s it! Fill her up! The liquid won’t seep past the balloon. She’ll feel it a little, but nothing at all like that stupid latex trash inside her rectum. If you push on her abdomen, you can feel the balloon snug inside of her, just above her pubic hair.
I started this 20 years ago. Now, I inflate my balloon with warm water, because it’s so much more comfortable for her. I have electronic low-pressure switches and limiting gauges for the pressure. I have flow-meters. I have electric pumps. You people would absolutely not believe what I have thought up! But, remember, I’m 41 now, and I’ve been doing this almost everyday of my life since I was like 8. Plus, I have a lot of engineering skills! I don’t even use bags much any more. Sometimes, in motels! I have flow control devices and electric pumps with automatic pressure cutoffs. See the thing is, I’m usually working with a new girl that probably never did enemas before. So, I have to MAKE it good for her! That means few or no cramps. No severe pressure. Beginners will ABSOLUTELY not put up with enema pain. Trust me here! You have to make it HOT, and discomfort-free for a new girl. And, that’s the whole purpose of all this equipment.